

ClearSR Professional Strength Water Spot Remover

Water spots can be a persistent challenge, especially when preparing surfaces for coatings like The Last Coat. Introducing The Last Coat ClearSR – a professional-strength water spot remover that makes dealing with mineral deposits and stains a breeze. This tutorial will guide you through the process of using ClearSR to achieve spotless and prepped surfaces for coating application.

Materials You’ll Need:

  • The Last Coat ClearSR
  • Microfiber towels
  • High-pressure water source
  • Basic soap (without waxes or conditioners)
  • The Last Soap (optional)

Important Note:

Do not use ClearSR in direct sunlight, especially on glass. Ensure the surface is cool to the touch.


Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Initial Cleaning

Wash the vehicle using a basic soap that doesn’t contain waxes or conditioners. Alternatively, you can use The Last Soap for this step to ensure a clean surface.

Thoroughly rinse and dry the area with water spots.

Step 2: Applying ClearSR

Dampen a microfiber towel with ClearSR. Start by wetting a 1″ to 2″ area on the towel.

Gently rub the dampened area of the towel onto the surface affected by water spots. As you rub, you’ll notice the water spots beginning to dissolve and disappear.

Continue rubbing with the ClearSR-treated towel until all water spots have been removed.

Step 3: Rinsing

After water spots have been removed, rinse the treated surface with high-pressure water. This ensures that any remaining ClearSR is fully removed from the surface.

Step 4: Final Inspection and Optional Coating Application

Inspect the treated surface to ensure all water spots and ClearSR residue have been removed. Any remaining residue may appear streaky.

If there is any excess ClearSR residue, hand wash the surface with soap and water to remove it. Examine the surface visually to determine if any excess residue remains.

Step 5: Coating Application (If Desired)

If desired, apply The Last Coat, AMP, or Deep Ice to the surface. Ensure you follow the usual coating application guidelines.

Before applying coatings, perform a 70% Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) wipedown on the surface for proper preparation.

Important Note:

It’s recommended to perform a spot test of ClearSR before full application and use to ensure compatibility and desired results.

Using The Last Coat ClearSR allows you to effectively tackle water spots and stains, creating a clean and prepped surface for coating application. By following these steps, you can enjoy a spotless finish that enhances the results of coatings like The Last Coat. Remember to always perform a spot test and work in a cool environment for the best outcome.

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